Witness Impressions of
Grounded Knowledge Panels

“I think sitting in the room was incredibly brave. Thank you for sharing your stories. As a Black woman experiencing the event, I processed with you.”
“I hope other Grounded Knowledge Panels happen and people can talk about their experiences without interruption.”
“Thank you for generating this brave space.”
“Thank you. It’s so difficult to be vulnerable, especially when one is ‘on stage.’ But I think in our vulnerabilities we find our commonalities.”
“This space was important to share our stories uninterrupted.”
“It was most impactful–just purely listening.”
“What a wonderful, sacred sharing. Thinking about our education stories (traumatic and not) is really powerful. It sets the stage for our relationship to learning, our confidence, and how we approach our own students. Aside from what I was privileged to hear, the structure you've set up is perfect for deep listening. I've always been a fan of dialogic forms because there's space for reflection and improvisation. It's beautiful.”
“I was emotional in the beginning. I felt waves of relief and gratitude washing over me as the tears fell. It felt good/healthy/vital/empowering to see a panel of people of color. I hadn’t experienced this opportunity/format before and I felt honored to serve as a listener and witness.”
“I would have liked to have been able to say how appreciative I am of of the panelists willingness to open their hearts to all of us with their experiences and in from such a space of love and patience. Doing so is so far above and beyond what any of us deserve.”