Posters of Past Panels

Smith DEI: Staff and Faculty Reflections on Our Efforts Past and Present

Visionary Conversation poster

A Visionary Conversation with the Authors of the 2022 article "In the Shadow of Violence: Enacting Hope, Healing, and Futurity during the Attacks on CRT."

Code Switching Panel poster

Code Switching: Negotiating the Field of Black Survival, Assimilation, Cultural Memory, and the Liberation of Being Real.

Wisdom of the Coconut Panel Poster

Indigenous Perspectives on Diversity: The Knowledge of the Coconut

Arts as Resistance Announcement Poster

The Arts as Resistance, Relationship, and Restoration

Activators of Change Poster

Activators of Change

A Conversation about Racial Bias and Discrimination in Academic Spaces

A Conversation about Racial Bias and Discrimination in Academic Spaces

Students Reflecting on Covid Poster

Challenges and Opportunities: Surviving and Thriving

Queer Students at Smith and Their Experiences in the Sciences

Queer Students at Smith and Their Experiences in the Sciences

Invisible Disabilities Poster

Invisible Disabilities